
SRTOOL & Deterministic builds are back to Kusama & Polkadot

Deterministic builds are back, srtool is now usable again in order to build and verifiy Substrate and Polkadot WASM blobs used as runtime.

Registrars updates

Since its first implementation around the end of 2019, the `Registrar #1` (which is now a set of registrars), has evolved a lot. This article looks back on those evolutions as well as at the current stand. I will go through the challenges I ran into and how they have been solved. This includes a few dedicated web services, the use of a BPM engine as well as new functionnalities recently added to Polkadot, Kusama and the Westend chains.

Registrar #1 and offline keys

While using a website such as or the are convenient, those do not provide the best internet isolation to ensure the maximum security for your keys. This article explains how to use subkey to sign challenges for `Registar #1`.


A Substrate runtime blob generator and verifier.


A Rust utility that produces hashes for Substrate. It is used by srtool.

Kusama Identity Registrar #1 - Why and How?

The process used by Registrar #1

SRTOOL now showing Substrate proposal hashes

Substrate WASM Runtime blob builder & verification now with offline Proposal Hash calculation

Cargo Remote: Speed up your Rust builds

Substrate WASM Runtime blob verification

Introducing the Substrate Runtime Toolbox (SRTOOL)

SRTOOL: Substrate Runtime Toolbox - A Substrate WASM Runtime blob docker image used for building and verifying Substrate and Polkadot runtimes


Keeping an eye on the Polkadot network with Polkabot. Polkabot sends network alerts related to the Polkadot network.

Substrate and Polkabot

Wilfried Kopp, aka Chevdor, talks about Substrate and Polkadot, as well as his work with KI decentralized, a blockchain consultancy, and Polkabot, a chat-bot for monitoring the Polkadot network.

Your very own local Polkadot & Substrate network in less than 30s

Substrate & Polkadot are new Blockchain technologies programmed in a rather new but ultra safe language called Rust. This article helps you get started with a full network running locally, without requiring any prio Rust knowledge.